Wednesday, 25 April 2007


I was "thinking" about what I could right a post about and I thought a post on thought could be most appropriate. Over the last week I have been keeping myself and other members of my family amused by watching videos of talking animals on where else but You-tube.
The ability of these animals to produce words and even short sentences of speech in response to their environment, most commonly for the promise of reward, was something I found quiet hilariously interesting.

I has for a long time been my opinion that animals act purely out of instinct, but what makes us so much more advanced. Many will say the because our brains are more developed we are able to function through conscious thought, but could we be "thinking" in otherways.
I propose that our every action and every thought are instinctial responses to the world around us, either through the learning, remembering and production of actions of others or the instinctial use of a response that is programmed genetically within us. The feeling that we perceive as a consciousness is our mind processing which response to follow, either the learnt or genetic. This will always result in the most instinctively powerful one being used but the brain can take some time to decide which pathway it will take, such as those long and difficult decisions that we ponder for weeks.

Even worse is when the body has no memorized or inbuilt response and this leads to the bodies most basic instinctial response of STOP. AKA shock and in more severe cases fainting. Shock can be overcome though the discovery in the mind of a situation one has viewed or confronted previously that was similar and the use of the response used for that situation. The fainting situation is over come in the same manner but requires a greater length of time and for the to be only responding to this incident independently of anything else, hence why it shuts all other none essential actions down until such time as the brain finds a similar situation and hence a suitable response.

I hope you enjoy thinking about thinking about what i have written and I look forward to coming up with justifications for my theory if you have any queries.

P.S I would have attached one of the videos of the talking animals to this post if I knew how or could be bothered working out how, but I don't and I can't.


B.C. said...

Interesting Waters, but I would argue with you on it. Or wrestle. But we both probably don't want that after tonight's events.

I don't think you can put everything down to instinct, due to the fact we make decisions on things that come from instinct. Eg. Need to eat food. We can pick and choose what we eat, conciously, and that shows that we think and do not act on instinct. Whereas some animals will only eat certain other animals, eg frogs and flies, we will eat anything if we choose to.

I think same applies to training yourself to do something. It takes some sort of concious effort to transfer learning and new skills to our subconcious, eg. playing piano. I don't think somebody, by instinct, one day cut a tree down, hunted an elephant, turned the tusks to ivory, cut them and shaped them and painted them and put them in the tree's wood, then started playing by instinct. Very descriptive I know, but you get my point.

Anyway. You could post the links of some of the animal things. I want to see them. Go go go. Now.

B.C. said...

PS. On second reading, I realise I skipped over some of the stuff you wrote.

PPS. But I still disagree

PPPS. Congratulations on your first post. Seeing as the last wasn't your individual effort ha.

some girl said...

That is very interesting. I've "thought" about it before, but not in this much depth. I agree and disagree... to some degree. (HA! I'm so funny.)

I think a lot of our actions and choices would be based on human instinct, but I don't like the thought of everything we do just being instinct. It just makes it feel less like our choices are valued and matter... like we're not in control-and humans love to be in control of their lives and surroundings.

Don't know if I'm explaining myself correctly, but I'm of two minds on the "Though" theory.

Jono said...

I am inclined to dissagree, but to some extent I see where you're coming from.
Although I am a strong beliver in us humans having conscious thought, and that being of a higher level than any other animal. The conscious ability to think about yourself as an individual in a world of individuals the same as yourself is present in no otehr animal. Every other animal sees those of their own kind as family, but do not see themselves as one of them. And animal cannot comprehend the fact that they are not the only one that has life. Argue this all you want, but it's true.
I had more to say, but have forgotten what it was.
Anyway, love the first post. I think I will add some of my many theories to my blog. You have inspired me to do so.
Keep up the blogging. And visit my blogs.
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B.C. said...

Time for a new blog Waters. Lift your game. Also, abuse Jono for his blatant selling of his own blog adventures.

Your sincerely,
